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squirrels won't eat GM corn“For years, a retired Iowa farmer fed squirrels on his farm through the winter months by placing corncobs on feeders.  One year, just for the heck of it, he decided to see if the squirrels had a preference for Bt [genetically modified] corn or natural corn.  He put natural corn in one feeder and Bt corn in another about twenty feet away. The squirrels ate all the corn off the natural cobs but didn’t touch the Bt. The farmer dutifully refilled the feeder with more natural corn and sure enough, it was soon gone.  The Bt, however, remained untouched.

“The retired farmer got curious. What if the Bt variety was the squirrels’ only choice? To find out, he didn’t refill the natural corn. At the time, Iowa was plunged into the coldest days of winter. But day after day, the Bt cob remained intact. The squirrels went elsewhere for food. After about ten days, the squirrels ate about an inch off the tip of an ear, but that’s all. The farmer felt sorry for the squirrels and put natural corn back into the feeders, which the squirrels once again consumed.”

–from an interview with retired farmer Howard Vlieger, in Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M. Smith